DBS Checks.

Keeping everyone in basketball safe is really important to us, so this section aims to outline who requires a DBS check and the process behind this.


We know these checks and paperwork can sometimes be time consuming, but they are so important to make sure everyone within basketball is safe, including the players, officials and coaches. Depending on your role, there are different safeguarding checks we need to do to make sure we are making the playing environment as safe as we can.

We also have a DBS FAQ's page that may have more answers to your questions!

Who needs a DBS check?

We recommend that all staff and volunteers hold DBS checks, of the appropriate level for their role. This means that even if someone is not in regulated activity, they can still be asked to complete an Enhanced or Basic Check, depending on the type and frequency of contact they have with U18s. If there is a volunteer or staff member working with a club or organisation who is in regulated activity, organisations must ensure they request an Enhanced DBS with a Barred List Check for the individual as part of their recruitment process. If safeguarding concerns are raised, Basketball England can ask for proof that the appropriate DBS check has been carried out.

For all coaches, bench personnel and officials who are licensing with Basketball England, there are safeguarding requirements which must be met. For more information, click here

If you are unsure if someone is eligible for a DBS check you can refer to these leaflets;

DBS checks in sport - Working with children

ES699132_CCS156_CCS1018737888-002_Roles_Sports_Leaflet_Children.pdf (publishing.service.gov.uk)

DBS checks in sport - Working with adults

ENGLISH_-_DBS_Checks_in_Sports_-_Working_with_Adults.pdf (publishing.service.gov.uk)

Please note;

Anyone who supervises someone in regulated activity is also eligible for an Enhanced with Barred List check.

How to request a DBS check through Basketball England

There are a few ways to register for a new DBS.

Each club and league should have a welfare officer who is also a DBS verifier, who can register you on the system so you can receive an activation email. If you are an official, some Official's Coordinators are also registered as verifiers. 

Another option is to contact the safeguarding team. You need to send us your full name, email address, role in basketball and confirm whether you are a volunteer or non-volunteer. To qualify for a volunteer check, the you must not: benefit financially from the position for which the application is being submitted or receive any payment (except for travel and other approved out-of-pocket expenses)

Basketball England currently uses Know Your People to process our DBS Checks. DBS' through Know Your People can take up to 60 days, or sometimes longer, but this varies due to the police force who provide the background checks. 

N.B. Basketball England only uses this system to manage DBS checks, it cannot influence any checks or speed up the process. 

What documents do I need to provide?

A full list of the documents you will need to provide for your DBS check can be found by clicking here.

DBS checks from other employers

If you hold a DBS from another organisation that has been done in the past 3 years then we can accept this when licensing.

When the season commences, the following will be the requirements. You must either;

- Hold a DBS check which was issued by Basketball England

- Be able to show an original copy of your certificate from another employer to one of our appointed Regional Welfare Officers

- Or, be on the DBS update service. Basketball England must have seen your original DBS certificate in order to accept the update service check.

Your DBS check must be of the correct level, and for the same or a similar role to the one which you are applying.

If you have lived overseas

You may not be able to get a DBS check in England if you don't live in the UK currently or haven't lived in the country long enough to be eligible. In this instance, if you are required to provide a DBS for the role in Basketball, we will ask you to obtain a background check from the last country (except UK) where you have lived for 12 months or more (whether continuously or in total) in the last 10 years, while aged 18 or over.

This process must be led by your club or by you as an individual. Basketball England are not able to do this on your behalf. To start the process, the Home Office provide advice about different countries and the different processes that need to be followed. To find guidance on background checks for a specific country, please visit https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/criminal-records-checks-for-overseas-applicants.

Barred list

If you are taking part in regulated activity you will need to have a barred list check. There are two barred lists, one for children and one for adults. The DBS may decide to bar an individual from working or volunteering with children, adults at risk or both of these. If a person is put on either of these lists, it’s very important they do not enter into regulated activity. 
Below are a few pointers you should be aware of in relation to the barred list. If you are unsure of anything or require more information, then please contact us and we will be able to advise you of any action to be taken.

  • A person who is barred from working with children or vulnerable adults will be breaking the law if they work or volunteer, or try to work or volunteer with those groups.
  • An organisation which knowingly allows someone who is barred to work with children or vulnerable adults will be breaking the law.
  • If you dismiss or remove someone from their role because they have harmed a child or vulnerable adult, or you would have done so if they had not left, you must inform Basketball England and complete the legally required referral to the DBS.

If a DBS application returns with a note to 'See Paper Disclosure', Basketball England will contact the person and ask them to send their DBS to us in the post so we can undertake a risk assessment. We are required to do this by law to ensure that we are correctly vetting all coaches/officials/volunteers who wish to work with under 18's.

If we request to see your paper copy, this does not automatically mean you are prohibited to work with Under 18's, but if you don't comply and send in your DBS when requested, we will look to suspend you until you do.  

DBS Filtering

Following a judgment from the Court of Appeal, the DBS will now be removing certain specified old and minor cautions and offences from DBS checks in a process known as filtering.

If a person has more than one conviction or caution, then all details will always be included. Filtering will also not remove information relating to sexual, violent or safeguarding offences.

This also means self-disclosure and application forms which previously asked for details of all prior convictions, cautions, reprimands or warnings, must be amended to only ask about offences which are 'unspent'. 

How do I become a Club Verifier for DBS checks?

If you are a Club Welfare Officer at your club with a clear enhanced DBS check done in the past 3 years then, yes, you can become a Basketball England verifier. 

The Basketball England verifier within the club will be able to send out activation links to club member who require a new DBS check and see/manage their clubs DBS checks online. A detailed outline of the verification process can be found here and how to set up new DBS'

To do so, please contact the safeguarding team with the subject title ‘New Basketball England Verifier’, your full name, an email address, which club you are with and we will be able to provide more information.

Our FAQs page provides answers to questions that you may have as a Basketball England Verifier. 

Please note: With becoming a Basketball England verifier, the email assigned to your verifier's account (and telephone number if you provide this) will be advertised on the Know Your People website whereby Basketball England DBS applicants will be able to see it at the end of the application process.